Critically acclaimed, this solo documentary show places Jocelyn Sioui at the heart of history. This show speaks about his great-uncle, one of the greatest native heroes of the 20th century, who fell into a huge memory hole. Funny, touching,...
10 November 2022 at 19:30
Inspired by Géricault’s Raft of the Medusa, the performance immerses us in a complex “tableau vivant” in a post-apocalyptic universe where people struggle and come together. Cartloads of bodies intertwined in unlikely piles follow heaves where...
10 November 2022 at 21:30
Springing from an extraordinary union between classical music and contemporary dance, Les corps avalés is a moving human odyssey that reveals Virginie Brunelle’s sensitive intelligence and great musicality in all their luminous power. Against a...
09 November 2022 at 20:00
SHOWCASE FOVE DIFFUSION Les Jeux du Crépuscule is a choreographic work innervated by the experiences of eight artists involved in Mouvement de passage, a project carried out in nursing homes since 2014. The work transcends the physical,...
08 November 2022 at 20:30
A man returns home after a lengthy absence. He is confronted with family roots that don’t suit him anymore. No one knows who he is or where he comes from. He must reconnect with his own identity. An old bicycle motivates him to start looking for...
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Inspired by the graphic universe of comics and animated films, "Lili and the Ravens" tells the story of an encounter between an abandoned little girl and a crow left alone with a hatching egg. This show, for 7 to 12 year olds, combines different...
11 November 2022 at 13:00
In an environment reminiscent of a conference, two women and a man introduce themselves to the public, discuss, digress while wondering what they are doing “here”. The expected conference gradually slides into a freer form as chaos invites itself...
09 November 2022 at 19:00
SHOWCASE SÉRIE B This show presents us with five performers who will explore the idea of the “worst”. Through anecdotal stories, demonstrations and flights of fancy, the worst proves to be a powerful philosophical acid that exposes our...
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A choreographic work entirely developed from the breath and voices of the dancers. An exploration that is wholly and radically focused on the breath. From micro-movements, from an impulse that shakes the lungs and bones, there is the awakening of...
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Drawing inspiration from the silent film era, grand guignol and melodrama, this textless adaptation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth takes the original classical, and dials the speed up to 11. Macbeth Muet completely deconstructs this Shakespeare Tragedy...
11 November 2022 at 15:00
SHOWCASE SÉRIE B Alix Dufresne and Étienne Lepage shakes up both social and theatrical conventions. Strange and playful, Malaise dans la civilisation allows us to observe complex, fascinating beings who innocently venture to the limits of...
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Inspired by the issues caused by an oil spill in the seas and on marine ecosystems, the performance puts in symbiosis two marine goddesses captives of the Great Oil Spill. "A duo of dancers appears as part of nature: curious earthly doubles in...
09 November 2022 at 12:00