A choreographic work entirely developed from the breath and voices of the dancers. An exploration that is wholly and radically focused on the breath. From micro-movements, from an impulse that shakes the lungs and bones, there is the awakening of...
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Inspired by the graphic universe of comics and animated films, "Lili and the Ravens" tells the story of an encounter between an abandoned little girl and a crow left alone with a hatching egg. This show, for 7 to 12 year olds, combines different...
11 November 2022 at 13:00
This project explores the seemingly stable “I” as a collection of odd, truncated fictions, percolating beneath the surface. With a physicality both fluid and deeply dis-coordinated, with a sense of humour both deliciously absurd and razor sharp,...
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This showcase proposes L'abîme, the third time of À l'Est de Nod, a solo performance by Neil Sochasky. The triptych À l'Est de Nod unfolds in 3 performance-installations within which the spectators wander at their own pace: La forêt, L'errant·e...
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Romanian choreographer Edward Clug, an emerging talent in European dance, engages a resolutely modern dialogue with Pergolesi’s Stabat MATER, a masterpiece of the Italian Baroque. For Clug, the tremendously expressive score conveys life and...
11 November 2022 at 12:15
Ronnie Burkett’s The Loony Bin is an intimate “adults only” salon-style handpuppet show featuring a crazy cast of characters in an improvised mash-up of scenes, songs and silliness. Set in a tattered puppet booth, the evening introduces us to...
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Rooms are revealed behind showcase windows where women are on display, each inhabiting their own space. They are offered up to the stares of others, without restraint, like the author Nelly Arcan was. Far from psychological theatre or biographical...
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With modesty and sensitivity, Marc Boivin performs an autobiographical solo that sheds light on the mysterious architecture of memory. Slowly developed over five years in collaboration with Boivin, through a humble language of the heart, the...
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Canada (Québec) Would you like to discover the uilleann pipes and whistle instruments of Ireland? The Grosse Isle trio is a sublime mix of Irish and Quebec repertoire and original compositions. Sophie Lavoie from Lac-Saint-Jean, Fiachra O'Regan...
11 November 2022 at 22:00
CHAOSMOS is an immersive and poetic performance. This visual and sonic cocoon forms a utopian space that originated during a conversation involving Raphaële Thiriet, Mark Lawes and the renowned visual artist and original lead vocalist from the...
11 November 2022 at 19:00